India, 326 BC: Alexander invaded India. He crossed the river Indus and the Hindukush mountains and avanced towards Taxila.Ambhi the king of Taxila welcomed him and his men.Then he challenged King Porus, ruler of the kingdom between the rivers Jhelum and Chenab, and asked for his submission.Porus however did not oblige.Alexander defeated Porus, in the bloody battle of Karri on the bank of Jhelum and Chenab.After the victory over Porus, Alexander advanced forward and defeated Kathaiois of Sangla and several other tribes surrendered to him. He then wanted to conquer the Gangetic Valley which was under the rule of Nanda dynasty.The Nandas had a powerful army.Alexander's soldiers who were tired and homesick after many years of wanderings,did not have the courage to face the mighty Nandas and thus refused to march forward.Cosequently, Alexander had to order retreat and on his way back died at Babylon in 323 BC.