The Chola empire in the south emerged in the middle of the 9th century.
It covered a large part of Indian peninsula as well as the parts of Sri Lanka and
the Maldive islands.It was founded by a Pallava feudatory,Vijalaya,who captured
Tanjore in 850 AD.The greatest among the Chola rulers were Rajaraja
(985-1014 AD) and his son Rajendra I (1012 1044 AD).Under Rajaraja the Chola
kindom grew into an extensive and well knit empire.
Rajaraja in his career of aggression and conquest defeated the Pandyas of
Madurai,the Chera ruler of Kerala and also invaded Sri Lanka and annexed its
northern part to his empire.On his naval exploits he conquered the Maldive
Islands.He also conquered the eastern Chalukya kindom of Vengi and the Kalinga.
He was succeeded by his son,Rajendra I,who carried forward the annexationist
policy of his father.He led armed expeditions to distant lands of Bengal,Orissa
and Madhya Pradesh.The conquest of Sri Lanka was remarkable exploit of Rajendra I
was his conquest of Kadaram and a number of other places in Malay peninsula.
The successors of Rajendra I,Rajadhiraj(1018-1052 AD) and Rajendra II(1052-1063 AD),were brave
rulers who fought fiercly against the later Chalukya kings,but could not check the decline of
Chola empire.The later Chola kings were weak and incompetent rulers.The Chola empire came to an
end with the invasion of Malik Kafur in 1319 AD.