Not much is known of the prehistoric man in India.Available evidence, however
suggests that at a fairly early period the use of iron,copper and other metals
was widely used in this subcontinent which is indicative of the progress that
this part of the world had made from the paleolithic age to the comparatively
developed form of culture.By the end of the fourth millennium BC,India had
emerged as a region of highly developed civilisation.
The Indus Valley Civilisation flourished for quite a long span of history.While the
Western historians are of the opinion that this civilisation occupied the period
between 3000 BC and 1500 BC, some of the Indian experts of ancient history
believe that the beginning of this civilisation dates back to 3250 BC .The area,
extent and duration of this civilisation are still matters of controversy.
Originally it was thought that this civilisation was confined only to the Indus
Valley,but the recent discoveries have established beyond doubt that it
extended well into Rajasthan and to the south of it into Gujarat.
Nothing was known of the Indus Valley civilisation till 1922-23 when the
Archaelogical Department of India carried out excavations in the Indus Valley
wherein the ruins of the two cities,viz., Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa were
unearthed.Mohenjo-Daro,which in the local Sindhi language means the
"The Mound of the Dead" is a place in Larkana district of Sind province in
Pakistan while Harappa is in Montgomery district of Punjab,also in Pakistan.The
ruins of buildings and other things like household articles,implements,weapons of
war,gold and silver ornaments,seals,toys,pottery idols,etc.,show that some four
to five thousand years ago a highly developed civilisation flourished in
this region.The Indus Valley civilisation was basically an urban civilisation and
the people lived in well planned and well built towns which were also the centres
of trade.The ruins of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa show that these were
magnificent merchant cities well planned,scientifically laid and well developed
drainage system.Residential houses were made of baked bricks and had two or
more storeys.
The highly civilised Harappans knew the art of growing cereals,and wheat and
barley constituted their staple food.They also consumed vegetables and fruits
and ate mutton,pork and eggs as well.Evidence also shows that they wore
cotton as well as woollen garments. Both men and women wore beautiful
ornaments made of gold,silver,ivory,copper and precious stones.They enjoyed
singing,dancing and painting.
The Indus Valley people are believed to be the worshippers of Mother Goddess
and Lord Shiva.Worship of trees,animals and stones also seems to have been
quite common among them.By 1500 BC Harappan culture came to an end.Among
the various causes ascribed to the decay of Indus Valley civilisation are the
invasion of the Aryans,the recurrent floods and other natural causes like the
earthquakes,etc. However,there is no unanimity among the historians on this